Interesting in joining our lab? Perspective Honours BSc, MSc, and PhD students are encouraged to email Dr. Alex Zimmer (alex.zimmer@unb.ca) or other lab members to discuss potential positions that are available, depending on funding. The Department of Biological Sciences at the University of New Brunswick Saint John is a multi-disciplinary research group with many opportunities for collaborative work. Our lab is part of the Canadian Rivers Institute, offering additional collaborative opportunities for students working in the lab.

The city of Saint John - Canada's oldest city - is a vibrant port city that is currently experiencing a rejuvenation of its historical "Uptown" which is located next to the city's port. It is also easy to escape the city, with several parks and nature reserves located within city limits or within close proximity (Rockwood Park, Irving Nature Park, national and provincial parks of the Bay of Fundy).

Graduate Students
When inquiring about positions available in the lab, please include a brief statement of your research interests and academic background, as well as a CV or resume. Prospective graduate students are encouraged to apply for NSERC graduate student scholarships.
Undergraduate Students
Prospective undergraduate students are encouraged to contact Dr. Zimmer directly, particularly if you are enrolled in one of his courses. Please be ready to describe your interests in the research conducted by the lab and have a copy of your transcripts available. Undergraduate students should also consider applying for an NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Award to work in the lab over the summer months.
Postdoctoral Fellows
We are always eager to discuss research ideas with prospective Postdoctoral Fellows, however the current research funding programs in Canada generally limit our ability to fully fund PDFs in the lab. Anyone with their own funding (e.g., NSERC PDF) is encouraged to inquire about opportunities in the lab and should include a description of their research interests and how they fit within the scope of our work, as well as a copy of their CV.